Find the perfect fit for your Filipino workforce.

Go beyond resumes and identify candidates with the right skills, cultural fit, and personality for your team.

Building a high-performing team starts with finding the right talent. At Gruppo Integritas, we offer a comprehensive suite of pre-employment assessments specifically designed for the Philippine workforce. Our assessments go deeper than just qualifications, helping you identify candidates who will:

  • Possess the job-specific skills and knowledge necessary to excel in your roles.

  • Demonstrate the soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and teamwork that are crucial for success.

  • Fit seamlessly into your company culture with personality traits that align with your values.

  • Show the motivation and commitment to drive results for your organization.

Pre-Employment Assessments

Job-Specific Skills Assessments

Tailored tests to measure technical expertise needed for the role.

Personality Trait Assessments

Identify ideal personality traits for a thriving work environment.

Cultural Adaptability Test

Assess a candidate's ability to integrate into your company culture.

Soft Skills Assessments

Evaluate critical skills like communication, problem-solving, and time management.

Motivation Check

Evaluate a candidate's drive and commitment to excel.

English Language Test

Assess English language proficiency level.

Learn More About Our Pre-Employment Assessments